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Focus 5 Indoor Training Plan - Week 1 (Setup)
Put energy into your putting stroke with the Ball of Steel
Add some bluetooth magic to your putting stroke
Stroke length, pace of stroke, and waving to the crowd
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“Flip-No-More” Putting
Sam interviewed on "790 the Zone"
EyeLine Golf: Starting the ball on line - Practice Session
Groove your Belly Putter Stroke
Sharpen your speed control - 10 minutes to become a Putting Surgeon
Dominate 15 footers? Here is a Ball of Steel practice session to get started!
Step on the putting green with a plan & have a blast! - EDGE Putting System
Where should my eyes be over the ball when putting?
EyeLine Golf Interview: A Tour caddie’s lessons on creating a plan for a Major
What is the “cadence” of your putting process?
Target games make practice more fun!
Knock in a downhill problem
Show your improvement after using the Edge Rail by using the iPing app
3 Putt Avoidance - Long Putting Drill
New PGA Tour Putting Stat: "Strokes Gained Putting"
The 360˚ Convex Mirror will make you better instantly
The Ball of Steel 2' - 8' Drill
See your backswing position and make adjustments
New Chipping and Pitching Game