Putting S.O.S. Fundamentals
Solid - hit the putt solid
Online - start the putt on the target line
Speed - hit the putt the correct speed
You are hearing about several stroke methods... it can be confusing
We hear about On Plane vs. Straight vs. Arc vs. Inside to straight... and tomorrow there will be a new one.
So what are the commonalities?
I've gathered my notes from some of the best instructors in the world, and I hope they will help simplify things.
This video series contains 4 lessons that will take us through understanding stroke methods. The videos are speaking to teachers, so consider yourself a pro :) Have a look and let us know what you think.
See the products used in this video series:
Principle #1 - The putter comes IN because it comes UP
Since we are standing to the side of the ball, our swing naturally brings the putter toward us. It is simply a smaller version of our full swing.
Principle #2 - How much does it come up? Radius length
The pivot point of the stroke is the point that never moves; the rest of the body and stroke rotates around this point.
In a "triangle" stroke, the point is on the spine between the shoulders.
The distance from this pivot point to the putter head is the "radius of the stroke."
The length of this radius determines how much the putter comes up during the stroke, and therefore how much the putter comes in.
Principle #3 - The face stays square to the plane of the stroke
When the putter stays on the plane of the shaft and the hands are silent...
The face opens slightly during the backstroke, and closes slightly during the follow through.
The face stays square to the plane - not the target line.
The putting stroke is just a smaller version of the full swing.
This is a very simple, consistent stroke to teach and execute. It requires the least amount of practice because there is not manipulation of the putter or timing of a "release."
Principle #4 - Simplicity creates consistency
So... what's the point?
The goal is to help people make more putts, and consider that they don't practice much.
The Simple Principles are:
- The triangle is easy to understand
- The hands are silent, so "timing" the stroke is easy
- The putter swings on the plane of the shaft - no worries about how much to bring the putter inside
- Help them learn to swing the putter 12" back, and 12" through - that is long enough to make an 8' putt!