Our Fall FUN-Damentals series is all about our S.O.S. System - SOLID, ONLINE, SPEED.
This week our focus is on SOLID. Learn to hit your putts in the sweet spot... and say "ahhhh!" We'll show you several ways you can learn to hit it SOLID.
See more about the products used in these videos:
Sweet Spot 360 - $9.95
Ball of Steel - $24.95 (3-pack)
Pendulum Putting Rod - $29.95
Speed Board - $29.95
VIDEO #1 - 3 "Tests" to see if you are hitting your putts solidly
Are you hitting putts in the sweet spot of the putter? Here are some tests to help you find out.
VIDEO #2 - Learn to hit your putts SOLID
The first step in consistently making putts is hitting them solid - in the center of the putter face.
This video has tips to help you find the culprit of your stroke and fix it ... finally!